18th Illinois Infantry
Field & Staff
Name Rank Residence Date of Rank
or Enlistment
Date of Muster Remarks
ADAMS, Albert W. Adjutant ----- Oct 15, 1861 ----- Died at Cairo, Feb 12, 1862
BRUSH, Daniel H. Major Carbondale Jul 8, 1862 Jul 27, 1862 Promoted
BRUSH, Daniel H.  Lt Colonel Carbondale Sep 3, 1862 Sep 27, 1862 Promoted Colonel
BRUSH, Daniel H. Colonel Carbondale Mar 11, 1863 Jun 16, 1863 Resigned Aug 21, 1863
BRUSH, Samuel T. Adjutant Carbondale Sep 5, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Mustered out 1864
BURGESS, Thomas H Lt Colonel DeQuoin May 20, 1861 Jun 30, 1861 Resigned Sept. 3, 1862
CREWS, Nathan Major Fairfield Apr 1, 1862 ----- Resigned July 8, 1862
DAVIS, Henry W. Surgeon Paris Jul 24, 1861 ----- Mustered out June 11, 1864
EATON, Samuel Major ----- May 20, 1861 Jun 30, 1861 Resigned April 1, 1862
FONDEY, William B Adjutant Springfield Aug 6, 1861 ----- Resigned Oct 13, 1861
HEATH, William H. Adjutant ----- Feb 12, 1862 ----- Resigned Oct. 21, 1862, Lieut Col. 33d. Missouri
HIPOLITE, William W. 2nd Asst. Surg.  Ives' Gr've, Wis. Dec 18, 1862 Dec 18, 1862 Resigned July 25, 1863
KELLY, Mardecai B.  Chaplain Pulaski Co. Sep 6, 1862 Sep 27, 1862 Mustered out 1864
LAMBERT, Lewis Chaplain ----- Jul 1, 1861 ----- Resigned Apr. 17, 1862
LAWLER, Michael K Colonel Gallatin Co. May 20, 1861 Jun 30, 1861 Pro Brig. Gen. Apr 14, 1863
MARKS, Samuel B. Major Anna  Sep 3, 1862 Sep 23, 1862 Promoted
MARKS, Samuel B. Lt Colonel Anna Mar 11, 1863 Aug 5, 1863 Mustered out 1864
OLNEY, James Quartermaster ----- May 30, 1861 ----- Pro. Lieut. Col. 6th Cav
ORMSBY, Orange B. 1st Asst. Surg. Greenville Aug 26, 1861 ----- Resigned June 23, 1863, Appointed Surg. 45th Inf
ROBINSON, William H. Quartermaster Anna May 28, 1861 Jun 30, 1861 -----
WEBER, Jules C. Quartermaster Anna Aug 18, 1861 ----- Disch June 27, 1864, to acc'pt pro Capt. A.D.C., US Vol
WILSON, Henry S. Major Shawneetown Mar 11, 1863 Jun 17, 1863 Mustered out July 27, 1864

18th Illinois Infantry
Non-Commissioned Staff
Name Rank Residence Date of Rank
or Enlistment
Date of Muster Remarks
ADAMS, Albert W. Serg. Major ----- ----- ----- -----
BABBITT, Richard W. QM Sergeant ----- May 28, 1861 June 30, 1861 -----
BRUSH, Samuel T. Com. Serg. ----- May 28, 1861 June 30, 1861 -----
COX, Gabriel Principal Musician ----- May 28, 1861 June 30, 1861 -----
ENNENSON, Joseph Hospital Stew. ----- ----- ----- -----
HORD, Thomas F. QM Sergeant ----- ----- ----- -----
HOYER, Fred Principal Musician ----- ----- ----- Appointed Nov. 28, 1863
JEFFERSON, Davis Principal Musician  ----- Aug 18, 1861 Aug 18, 1861 M.O. Sep 6, 1862; G.O.No. 126 War Dept
JONES, Elias W. Serg. Major ----- May 28, 1861 June 30, 1861 -----
LAYMAN, Siburn J. Hospital Stew. ----- May 28, 1861 June 30, 1861 -----
McPHEARSON, William C. Principal Musician ----- ----- ----- Appointed Nov. 28, 1863
TAYLOR, Willard G.  Com. Serg. ----- ----- ----- Trans to Co. H. as 1st Serg.
THORP, Joseph B. Serg. Major ----- ----- ----- -----
WALTERS, Fred W. Com. Serg. ----- ----- ----- Appointed Nov. 9, 1863
YOUNG, William M. Principal Musician ----- May 28, 1861 June 30, 1861 -----

18th Illinois Infantry
Unassigned Recruits
Name Residence Date of Muster Remarks
ADAMS, Charles P Spring Garden --- Died, Camp Butler, Mar 17, 1864
ADAMS, William R Anna --- Died, Camp Butler, Mar 24, 1864
ARENDELL, Richard --- --- Deserted
BUNT, Charles --- --- ---
BUSELARK, John W Carbondale --- ---
CAMPBELL, William R Thebes --- Died, Camp Butler, Apr 6, 1864
CREASEY, Amos K Mt Vernon --- ---
ECHLEY, Levi Anna --- ---
FREEMAN, Benjamin F Warren Springs --- Died, Camp Butler, Mar 21, 1864
GARDNER, William Ashley --- Died, Camp Butler, Mar 5, 1864
GRAMUR, Isaac --- --- Discharged Mar 27, 1864
HARTLINE, Henry M --- --- Deserted
HUGHES, James Alton Mar 15, 1864 See Co. C, as consolidated
JONES, David W Mt Vernon --- ---
JORDAN, James Anna Jan 31, 1864 ---
KERR, James D Hardin Co, Ky --- ---
McDOWD, James Marion Apr 9, 1864 ---
MISENHIMER, James --- --- Died, Camp Butler, Mar 21, 1864
PIXBE, John W Tuscarora --- ---
PLUNKET, John Alton Mar 12, 1864 ---
RANDALL, Jerry Cape Girardeau, Mo Apr 11, 1864 ---
SCIENCE, Isaiah Anna Jan 31, 1864 ---
SKALEY, Thomas Ashley --- Deserted
SPENCER, Daniel F Jonesboro --- ---
STANTON, William H Murphysboro --- Died Feb 2, 1864
SUTHERLAND, John T Du Quoin    
TREAT, Gilbreath Ashley Jun 16, 1864 See Co. C, as consolidated
TYRE, John Clay City Dec 31, 1863 ---
WAGNER, David W Anna --- Rejected
WALKER, Thomas J --- --- Re-enlisted as Veteran
WILLIAMS, Thomas Alton Mar 12, 1864 ---
WRIGHT, William E Christian Co --- Died, Camp Butler, Apr 11, 1864
WYNN, Benjamin F Ashley --- Deserted

Transcribed by Susan Tortorelli

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