- Luther, Martin Van Buren - Co F & C, 13th Cavalry
- Lutz, Charles H. - Co A, 11th Infantry
- Maple, Abraham - Co K, 47th Infantry
- Markwell, William A. - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Marsh, Arthur W. - Co C, 118th Infantry
- Marsh, Benjamin F. - Lt. Col., 2nd Cavalry;
Marsh, Bejamin F., Jr.
- Marsh, Sheldon - Co C, 13th Infantry; Co I, 56th Infantry
- Martin, Austin, Jr. - Co C, 8th Cavalry
- Martin, Delos Parkle - co C, 8th Cavalry
- Martin, Elgin H. - Co B, 115th Infantry
- Martin, George Washington - Co C, 73rd Infantry
- Martin, James M. - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Martin, Jerome A. - Co H, 69th Infantry
- Martin, John A. - 33rd Infantry
- Martin, John Goodwin - Co K, 122nd Infantry
- Martin, Joseph E. - Unknown
- Mathews, John J. - 83rd Infantry
- Mayberry, William - Co G, 40th Infantry
- McAfee, R. J. - Co A, 115th Infantry
- McArthur, John - Col., 12th Infantry
- McBride, Patrick Henry - Co K, 9th Cavalry
- McCammond, Jacob - Co K, 92nd Infantry
- McCampbell, Davidson - Co B, 104th Infantry
- McClaughey, Robert W. - 118th Infantry
- McComas, Charles C. - Co F, 115th Infantry
- McConchie, William - Co C, 42nd Infantry
- McCoy, James H. - Co A, 115th Infantry
- McCready, John James - Co F, 119th Infantry
- McCullough, William, Lt. Col. - 4th Cavalry
- McDaniel, Oliver - 73rd Infantry
- McEathron, Alexander - Co G, 15th Infantry
- McGowan, James - 31st Infantry
- McGuire, G. K. - 108th Infantry
- McKee, Josiah - Co C, 33rd Infantry
- McNeely, Thomas B. - Co B, 115th Infantry
- McNeil, John C. - Co C, 33rd Infantry
- Merritt, James Y. - Co K, 102nd Infantry
- Meyer, George - Co B, 2nd Cavalry
- Michie, John Charles - Co K, 12th Infantry; Co F, 37th Infantry
- Michiner, Woodrow - Co C, 71st Infantry
- Middleton, R. T. - Co F, 115th Infantry
- Miles, Daniel L. - Lt. Col., 47th Infantry
- Miller, Alexander - 108th Infantry
- Miller, Gabriel P. - Co E, 80th Infantry
- Mixon, William A. - Co I, 1st Cavalry
- Moon, Edwin - Co I, 115th Infantry
- Moon, Marshall H. - 3rd and 4th Cavalry
- Mooney, John A. - Co K, 12th Infantry
- Moore, Levi B. - 118th Infantry
- Moore, Enoch - Surgeon and Major, 115th Infantry
- Moore, George - Staff, 2nd Cavalry
- Moore, Jesse H. - Colonel, 115th Infantry
- Moore, William P. - Colonel, 49th Infantry
- Moreland, John - Co D, 115th Infantry
- Morris, John - Co C, 111th Infantry
- Morrison, John - Co A, 102nd Infantry
- Morton, William - Co E, 51st Infantry
- Moulineaux, Gouldsmith - 8th Infantry
- Mudd, John - Staff, 2nd Cavalry
- Murdock, John - Co B, 115th Infantry
- Murphy, Amaziah - Co G, 123rd Infantry
- Murphy, Christian - Co G, 123rd Infantry
- Myers, John - Co F, 26th Infantry
- Nale, John H., Major - 152nd Infantry
- Nale, John H., Major - 152nd Infantry
- Nausley, Henry - Co K, 73rd Infantry
- Nevins, William Dill - Co E, 9th Infantry
- Nicholson, Alexander C. - 73rd Infantry
- Nidey, Mathias S. - Unknown
- Nisbet, A. F. - Co E, 40th Infantry
- Nish, James - Co I, 95th Infantry
- Northcut, Archibald E. - Co F, 33rd Infantry
- Nugent, T. - 108th Infantry
- Oaks, Dan - Co F, 26th Infantry
- Oaks, George - Co F, 26th Infantry
- Oatman, A. G. - 108th Infantry
- O'Brian, Michael - Co G, 58th Infantry
- O'Brien, Mat - Co F, 102nd Infantry
- Ocheltree, Jacob - Co K, 133rd Infantry
- Officers - 124th Infantry
- Oglesby, Richard J. - 8th Infantry
- Osgood, Edwin S. - Chicago Mercantile Battery
- Osman, Austin - Co L, 15th Cavalry
- Page, B. - 108th Infantry
- Page, Isaac D. - Co K, 57th Infantry
- Page, Leroy - Co K, 57th Infantry
- Paisley, Joel B. - Co D, 22nd Infantry
- Palmer, George H. - Co A, 83rd Infantry
- Palmer, George Levi - Co K, 7th Infantry
- Parkinson, William Moore - Co C, 11th Infantry
- Parks, Pleasant M. - Co H - 125th Infantry
- Parsons, Emerson N. - Co K, 133rd Infantry
- Patten, Zeboim Cartter, Capt. - Co H, 115th Infantry
- Patton, Sylvester - Co C, 25th Infantry
- Peak, Alonzo - Co B, 17th Cavalry
- Peddicord, Woodford W. - Lt., 115th Infantry
- Peek, Henry C. - Co L, 15th Cavalry & Captain, Co D, 1st Alabama
- Peters, Nicholas - Co C, 115th Infantry
- Petty, Harvey Doyle - Co C, 35th Infantry
- Phillips, Augustus - Co H, 64th Infantry
- Phillips, Edward N. - Co B, 47th Infantry
- Phillips, Orson Decatur - Co G, 100th Infantry
- Phillips, Wesley, Assistant Surgeon - 112th Infantry
- Piatt, Jacob - Co C, 42nd Infantry
- Pierpont Jr., Leonard,
Corporal- Co K, 76th Infantry
- Pixley, Edward - Co C, 115th Infantry
- Plummer, Hiram S., Surgeon - 152nd Infantry
- Pogue, ? - Co D, 22nd Infantry
- Pogue, Christopher C. - Co C, 14th Infantry
- Poteet, George A. - Lt. Col., 115th Infantry
- Potter, Daniel - Cos C, 136th and 18th Infantries
- Poundstone, George - 53rd Infantry
- Powell, George Washington - Co C, 26th Infantry
- Powell, John R. - Co H, 85th Infantry
- Powell, William Henry - Co I, 117th Infantry
- Price, Sylvester B. - Co H, 81st Infantry
- Purkey, J. J. - Co B, 115th Infantry
- Purnell, John W. - Co B, 31st Infantry
- Procop, Wesley - Co G, 5th Cavalry
- Queary (Querry), William B. - Co H, 63rd Infantry
- Ralph, Orlando J. - Co L, 2nd Cavalry
- Ramsey, Benjamin - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Ramsey, Michael - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Randolph, Richard K. - Lt., 12th Infantry
- Ransom, Caleb Shonk - Unknown Regiment
- Ratekin, Silas Ephraim - Co K, 11th Cavalry
- Reardon, John, Brevet Major - Co H, 115th Infantry
- Reece, William - Co C, 98th Infantry
- Reed, Fitzhugh, Lt., 66th Infantry
- Reed, John B. - 14th Cavalry
- Reed, David - Co F, 115th Infantry
- Reed, Philo E. - Co A, 83rd Infantry
- Reel, D. S. - Co C, 115th Infantry
- Reel, John D. - Co I, 5th Cavalry
- Reed, William H. H. - Co A, 39th Infantry
- Reese, John P. - Co E, 81st Infantry
- Rema, Hiram Farmer - Co K, 3rd Cavalry
- Renshaw, Moses O. - 118th Infantry
- Reynolds, Jesse - Co D, 53rd Infantry
- Rhodes, George W. - Co C, 115th Infantry
- Rich, ? - Co F, 26th Infantry
- Richards, Erastus Emery - Co A, 15th Infantry
- Richmond, Frank - Co D, 152nd Infantry
- Ridgely, E. R. - Co C, 115th Infantry
- Riley, Philip - Unknown Co, 115th Infantry
- Risdon, Oliver F. - Co B, 37th Infantry
- Rittenhouse, Henry - Co G, 28th Infantry
- Ritter, Samuel - Co B, 41st Infantry
- Roberts, Alexander - Co D, 81st Infantry
- Robertson, Isaac M. - Co G, 6th Cavalry
- Robey, Cyrus - Co D, 93rd Infantry
- Robinson, G. S. - Co H, 115th Infantry
- Robinson, George W. - Co G, 52nd Infantry
- Rock Island County Soldiers
- Roe, Jonas H. - Co M, 5th Cavalry
- Rogers, William Marion - Co H, 128th Infantry
- Rogers, William Marion - Cos B & D, 9th Infantry
- Rogers, William O. - 4th Cavalry
- Rohrbaugh, Calendar - 118th Infantry
- Rolls, William C. - Co C, 33rd Infantry
- Romine, John - Co A, 61st Infantry
- Rosberry, Joseph B. - 118th Infantry
- Rose, Ira Martin - Co C, 37th Infantry
- Roush, George S. - Co B, 46th Infantry
- Royce, I. H. C. - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Rudicil, Sam - Co C, 71st Infantry
- Rugh, Samuel - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Rumsey, Israel, 2nd Lt., Battery B, 1st Artillery
- Runion (Ranyon), Lucius C. - Co K, 92nd Infantry
- Rust, Henry Appleton - HQ & Co F, 27th Infantry
- Rutherford, James, Capt. - Co I, 115th Infantry
- Sager, Samuel - Co F, 26th Infantry
- Salomon, Edward S.
- Satterlee, William R. - Co F, 126th Infantry
- Schellenberger, Almon - Co K, 95th Infantry
- Schermerhorn, Jonathan M. - Co G, 92nd Infantry
- Sanders, Daniel W - Co I, 128th Infantry
- Sanders, Larkin L - 128th Infantry, Co F, 9th Infantry
- Sanders, Luke R - Co C, 128th Infantry
- Sanders, (Unidentified) - 128th Infantry
- Scholds - 108th Infantry
- Scholl, Alexander - 118th Infantry
- Schooley, Orlando D. - Co G, 18th Infantry
- Schriber, Charles - Co G, 8th Cavalry
- Schuyler, Hezekiah Pierpont - Co I, 95th Infantry
- Schuyler, John J. - Co I, 95th Infantry
- Schwartz, Ezekiel K. - Co B, 115th Infantry
- Schwartz, Ezekiel K. - Co C, 115th Infantry
- Scibird, Joseph H. - Co B, 70th Infantry
- Scudder, Egbert M. - Co C, 42nd Infantry
- Sedwick, Dan M., Capt. - Co E, 102nd Infantry
- Seeley, Jonas - Co C, 4th Cavalry
- Shafer, Jacob A. - Co A, 83rd Infantry
- Shannon, Alvin - 55th Infantry
- Shaver, Simeon Pettit - Co E, 17th Cavalry
- Shearer, G. C. - Co C, 115th Infantry
- Sheldon, Marvin - Co E, 14/15th Infantry
- Shellenberger, Samuel L., 1st Lt., Co B, 3rd Cavalry
- Shepard, A. - Co C, 115th Infantry
- Shepard, Samuel - Co C, 123rd Infantry
- Sherman, Augustus - Co D, 102nd Infantry
- Shively, Alfred - Co F, 115th Infantry
- Sigler, William F. - Co I, 98th Infantry
- Simmons, Rowan - Co D, 28th Infantry
- Simmons, Thomas
- Simmons, William L. - Co A, 29th Infantry
- Simpson, Thomas J. - Co C, 2nd Cavalry
- Sisler, Benjamin - Co E, 45th Infantry
- Sizelove, Nathan - Co M, 2nd Cavalry
- Slaughter, Joseph J. - Co H, 115th Infantry
- Slocum, Eleazer, Captain - Co B, 115th Infantry
- Smith, Andrew - Co B, 103rd Infantry
- Smith, Benjamin - Co B, 86th Infantry
- Smith, Daniel - Co D, 110th Infantry
- Smith, Hugh Andrew - Co E, 21st Infantry
- Smith, John Bailey - Co B, 41st Infantry
- Smith, Samuel D. - 154th Infantry
- Smith, Williams B. - Co B, 41st Infantry
- Snell, John Araldon - Co E, 128th Infantry
- Snyder, Cornelius - Co H, 52nd Infantry
- Spanger, John - 118th Infantry
- Spence, James - Staff, 2nd Cavalry
- Stacey, Britton - Co F, 131st Infantry
- Stafford, Elisha Gilbert Ward - Co I, 155th Infantry
- Stanton, Marion D. - Co B, 65th Infantry
- Stanway, Dr. Thomas Strange - 102nd US Infantry
- Stark, Theodore - 143rd Infantry
- Steen, Erasmus D., Captain - Co B, 115th Infantry
- Stephenson, Ferdinand D., Colonel and Field and Staff - 152nd Infantry
- Stevens, Edward, Captain - Unknown
- Stevens, Victor - Captain, Co H, 20th Infantry
- Steward, Allen B. - Co A, 153rd Infantry
- Stewart, Andrew Jackson - Co A, 35th Infantry
- Stewart, Jackson - Co F, 15th Cavalry
- Stewart, Jacob P. - Co F, 103rd Infantry
- Stewart, James G. - Co F, 16th Infantry
- Stewart, William C. - Co A, 35th Infantry
- Stiles, John Reid - Co D, 7th Cavalry
- Stiles, Maarcus Lionel - Co D, 7th Cavalry
- Stiles, William Henry - Co G, 7th Cavalry
- Stilley, William Davis, Jr. - Co C, 14th Cavalry
- Stinson, James Marshall - Co H, 56th Infantry
- Stitt, S. C. - 108th Infantry
- Stokes, Tom - Co A, 60th Infantry
- Stone, David - Co G, 103rd Infantry
- Stone, Elijah B. - Co M, 10th Cavalry
- Stone, George Henry - Co B, 19th Infantry
- Stone, Thomas - Co D, 115th Infantry
- Stork, Henry - Co C, 46th Infantry
- Stout, Benjamin - Co G, 2nd Artillery
- Stretch, George Washington - 88th Infantry
- Strong, Jonas D. - Co K, 17th Infantry
- Styles, Charles - Co E, 100th Infantry
- Suffield, Brice - 33rd Infantry
- Sumter, G. W. - Co K, 115th Infantry
- Sutherland, Mason - Co E, 113th Infantry
- Sutton, Fenton - 86th Infantry
- Sutton, Lyman - 5th Cavalry
- Swander, Daniel L. - Co B, 86th Infantry
- Swander, William H., Dr. - Asst Surgeon
- Swanwick, Francis - Co D, 22nd Infantry
- Sweet, Amos - 13th Infantry
- Swegle, John W. - Co D, 103rd Infantry
- Swindell, John W. - Co C, 42nd Infantry
- Taylor, Ezra, Major, Battery B, 1st Artillery
- Taylor, Jackson - Co I, 10th Cavalry
- Tenney, Dr. Jerome B. - Co B, 2nd Cavalry
- Terpening, John W. - Co B, 102nd Infantry
- Thomas, Robert P. - 108th Infantry
- Thompson, Andrew Jackson - Co E, 60th Infantry
- Thompson, Augustus W., Captain - Co B, 74th Infantry
- Thompson, James - Co C, 33rd Infantry
- Thompson, Lemuel R. - Co F, 26th Infantry
- Philip Thon - Co M, 7th Cavalry
- Thorpe, Franklin - Co B, 115th Infantry
- Tilbe, John - Co M, 11th Cavalry
- Tinkham, Charles J. - Lt. Col., Co F, 26th Infantry
- Travis, James W. - Co H, 38th Infantry
- Trisler, John - Co A, 71st Infantry
- Turner, G. H. - Co C, 115th Infantry
- Twitchell, La Fayette - Co B, 131st Infantry
- Tyson, William - Co D, 115th Infantry
- Umbaugh, Jacob Wesley - Unknown
- Unknown -11th Cavalry
- Unknown - Unknown Co, 33rd Infantry
- Unknown - Unknown Co, 33rd Infantry
- Unknown Captain - Unknown Co, 33rd Infantry
- Unknown - Co A, 83rd Infantry
- Unknown - Co A, 83rd Infantry
- Unknown - Co A, 83rd Infantry
- Unknown - Co A, 83rd Infantry
- Unknown - 108th Infantry
- Unknown - 152nd Infantry
- Unknown - 152nd Infantry
- Unknown - Co H, 152nd Infantry
- Unknown - CSA Prisoner of War
- Unknown - CSA Prisoner of War
- Unknown - GAR Post 522, Yorkville, IL
- Updike, Isaac - Co H, 152nd Infantry
- Utter, Gideon L. - Co C, 115th Infantry
- Utter, Richard - Co C, 115th Infantry
- Venable, James - Co B, 126th Infantry
- Verner, Matthew J. - Co B, 115th Infantry
- Vieux, Peter - Co F, 68th Infantry & Co E, 134th Infantry
- Vincent, William James - Co H, 123rd Infantry
- Vitz (Vits), George - Co A, 22nd Infantry
- Waddle, Joseph M. - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Walker, Joseph H. - Co A, 126th Infantry
- Walker, Rigdon B. - Co A, 102nd Infantry
- Wallace, John - Co C, 42nd Infantry
- Walters, Asa or Jacob - Co H, 152nd Infantry
- Walton, Nicholas - Co B, 65th Infantry
- Walton, Zachariah - Co B, 65th Infantry
- Warinner, Major Richard O. - Additional Paymaster
- Wasson, Manford T. - Co H, 152nd Infantry
- Watson, William Wirt - 21st Infantry
- Weatherwax, Henry - Co G, 129th Infantry
- Weaver, Asa L. - Co I, 95th Infantry
- Webber, John R. C. - Co E, 80th Infantry
- Webster, Jonathan - Co F, 143rd Infantry
- Webster, Noah - 78th Infantry
- Weeks, John - Co B, 115th Infantry
- Weir, Joseph Marion - Co C, 15th Cavalry
- Welker, Stewart - Co D, 115th Infantry
- Wells, J. A.
- Wescott, Joel T. - Unknown Co, 107th Infantry
- Wesson, Silas D. - Co K, 8th Cavalry
- Wheat, Joseph G. - Co B, 104th Infantry
- Whitaker, J. A. - Co E, 115th Infantry
- White, Levi - Co E, 115th Infantry
- White, William - ? Co, 90th Infantry
- Whitmore, John W. - Co F, 119th Infantry
- Wilkins, James Knox Polk - ? Co, 56th Infantry
- Willcox, Hamilton W. - Co B, 91st Regiment
- Willcox, John Wesley - Co. B, 91st Regiment
- Willcox, Joseph W. - Co B, 91st Regiment
- Williams, Andrew A. - Co G, 55th Infantry
- Williams, Loton G. - Co G, 115th Infantry
- Willson, Wesley - Co C, 89th Infantry
- Wilson, James F. - Co H, 2nd Cavalry
- Williams, Jim - 95th Infantry
- Winders, William - Co K, 102nd Infantry
- Wittstruck, Carl Martin - Co M, 11th Infantry
- Wolfe, John S. - 135th Infantry
- Wolfe, Leonard -Co H, 51st Infantry
- Woods, Lee, Capt. - Co I, 38th Infantry
- Wooley, James N. - Co H, 154th Infantry
- Workman, Isaac - Co G, 2nd Cavalry
- Worley, Zenas C. - Co B, 86th Infantry
- Wren, John - Co D, 115th Infantry
- Wright, Carey C. - Co B, 47th Infantry
- Wright, George - Co B, 64th Infantry
- Wyckoff, D. Lambert - Co I, 137th Infantry
- Wyman, Byron F. - Co F, 113th Infantry
- Yetter, George J. - Co H, 20th Infantry
- York, Caleb Wesley - Co D, 98th Infantry
- Young, Robert - Co A, 115th Infantry
- Youngken, John C. K. - Co C, 115th Infantry