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Illinois Civil War Project

Elijah Thompson Hurst
Company F, 20th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
bunting graphic

His name was Elijah Thompson Hurst. He was born November 3, 1845 in New Market, Missouri. He searved in the Civil War in Company F of the 20th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He served from October 13, 1864 to July 16, 1865 when he was mustered out in Kentucky. He served as a private under Captain Milton Whinreys.

The pension records show him living in Clark County, Illinois when he enlisted and a notarized statement from him rearding his name as listed in the service rolls states: "...that his true name and corret name is and always has been Elijah Thompson Hurst but in some manner his name was received and carried on the roll in the army as Elijah Thompson."

Thanks to Marta Hurst,
gr-granddaughter of Elijah Thompson Hurst, for contributing the photo and bio.

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Last Edited: 15 Mar 2025

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