Thomas LindsayCompany F, 95th Illinois Volunteer Infantry |
Thomas Lindsay, for many years connected with the agricultural
activities of Dorr Township, but now deceased, was one of the
substantial men of McHenry County, and one whose memory is held
in high esteem. He was born in Scotland, July 23, 1836, a son
of Thomas and Marion (Marshall) Lindsay, who came to the Unitqd
States in 1840, and located permanently in McHenry County in
1842, purchasing the farm in Dorr Township which later became
the property of their son' Thomas. The father only lived for
twelve years after his arrival in McHenry County, dying in 1852,
but the mother survived him until 1880. Their children were as
follows: Jenette, who married William Scott; Thomas, whose name
heads this review; Christine, who married Oren Allbee; Archibald;
Mary A., who married D. Redpath; and Margaret J., who married
Thomas Wier. In 1880, Mr. Lindsay was married to Maggie Pope, a daughter
of Frederick Pope of Cook County, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay became
valued members of the Presbyterian church. A Mason, Mr. Lindsay
maintained membership with St. Mark's Lodge No. 63, AF&AM
of Woodstock. Although some years have passed since Mr. Lindsay's
demise he is still remembered by the older generation of Woodstock
and Dorr Township as one of the men who helped to raise the high
standards for which this region has always been justly celebrated.
Submitted by Dr. William L. Baran |
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