Davidson McCampbell

Company B, 104th Illinois Volunteer Infantry


Excerpts from a letter written by Davidson McCampbell, April 20, 1863, while serving in the Civil War.

Davidson McCampbell was born November 26, 1841 in Preble County, Ohio. He was the 6th of 7 children born to Andrew McCampbell and Catherine Kesling. He married Lucy Samantha Paul, January 10, 1861, at Lowell, LaSalle County, IL. A daughter, Alice Eudora, was born to Davidson and Samantha, Octoer 19, 1861. He was enrolled as a private at Tonica, LaSalle County, IL, on August 11, 1862 and mustered in to Company B, 104th Regiment of the Illinois Infantry at Ottawa, LaSalle County, IL, on August 23, 1862.

According to copies of the Field and Staff Muster Rolls and other documents obtained from the National Archives, he was appointed Principal Musician, Regimental Order No. 34 with date of rank August 23, 1862. On the Muster-Out Roll, dated June 6, 1865, he was posthumously appointed Fife Major and transferred to Non-Commissioned Staff, with date of rank August 23, 1862.

He was captured at the Battle of Chickamauga, Sunday, September 20, 1863, and was subsequently assigned to the prison camp at Andersonville, GA. He died there, July 10, 1864. He was buried in Section J, Grave #3100. There is also a marker on Lot 94, Section 9, in the Lowell Cemetery at Vermilion, IL.

Sources for the above information are:

  • Various Federal Census reports
  • Marriage license and other documents obtained from LaSalle County, IL records
  • Muster reports and other service records obtained from the National Archives
  • Records and documents obtained from William R. McCampbell - San Antonio, TX
  • Photo and other documentation obtained from Marjorie McCampbell - Etchell, Santa Rosa, CA

Prepared and submitted by Robert Kroon, Phoenix, AZ. My grandmother was Alice Eudora McCampbell-Roberts. Davidson was my Great-Grandfather.

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