Company "C" 77th Illinois Infantry
Name Rank Residence Date of
ACRES, Samuel T. Private Linn Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
AGNEW, Monroe Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
AVERY, J. William Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 M.O. July 10, 1865, as Corp'l.
BALES, William Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
BENNETT, Robert Private Peoria Sep 2, 1862 Killed. Vicksburg, May 22, 1863
BENNETT, William W. Private Peoria --- Pro. Com's'y Sgt. Dec 21, 1863
BETTIS, Daniel Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
BLACK, James P. Corporal Richland Sep 2, 1862 M.O. July 10, 1865, as private
BLACKMAN, Alfred M. Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
BROKAW, Louis Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Corp. Re-tr. 130 Ill., revived
BUCKINGHAM, Enoch Musician Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
BUCKINGHAM, Jahew Sergeant Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Pro. Serg't Maj; reduc'd at own req'st; M.O. July 10, 1865
BUHLER,Frederick Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
BURSON, Joseph C. Private Shelby Sep 2, 1862 Died. Blackburn. Feb 12, 1864
BURTRAM, William A. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
CALVERT, Minor Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
CARLES, Moses Wagoner Peoria Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
CARSON, John B. Private Metamora Sep 2, 1862 Died. Memphis, Apr 12, 1863
CARSON, W.F. Private -- -- Mustered out July 10, 1865
COTTON, O.A. Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Trans. V.R.C. Sep 30, 1864
CROW, Jr., James Private Limestone Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
DAVIS, John T. Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
DEBOLT, Alexander Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Feb 7, 1863; disabil.
DILLON, Michael Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
DIXON, William Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
DORSON, Andrew Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Died. Memphis, Dec 25, 1862
DRAKE, James Private Panola Sep 2, 1862 Died. June 6, 1863; wounds
DRENNEN, James H. Corporal Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Sgt. Died May 26, 1863; wounds
DUCHENSE, Henry C. Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Feb 7, 1863; disabil.
DUCHESNE, Lewis Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Feb 7, 1863; disabil.
DUFF, Dennis Private Logan Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
DUNBAR, John Private Logan Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Jan 16, 1864; wounds
DWYER, Charles Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Corp. Re-tr. 130 Ill., revived
ENSLOW, Charles C. Private Linn Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
EVERETT, H. H. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
FARVER, August Private Metamora Sep 2, 1862 Supposed killed. Vicksburg, May 22, 1863
FIELDS, Jotham Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
FISHER, Isaiah Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
FISHER, John Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
FISHER, Joseph Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
FOLKS, Andrew Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
FOLKS, Mathias W. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
GALL, John W. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- 1st Sgt.Re-tr. 130 Ill., revived, Com. 2d Lt.; not mustered
GALLOP, Philo W. Private Roanoke Sep 2, 1862 M.O. June 17, 1865
GENNOWAY, Clinton L. Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 M.O. June 17, 1865; pris.war
GORDON, George J. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Smithfield Apr 8, 1864 Tr. to 130th Ill., as revived
GORDON, William C. Private Henry Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Apr 2, 1863; disabil.
GRIFFIN, John Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
GRIFFIN, Michael Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
HALL, Edward Private Logan Sep 2, 1862 Died. Memphis, Dec. 23, 1862
HANDAYSIDES, Fred J. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Peoria Jan 31, 1864 Died at Baton Rouge, La. Aug 9, 1864
HANNA, David W. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Cazenovia Jan 19, 1865 Tr. to 130th Ill., as revived
HARNER, John H. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- M.O. May 22, 1865
HART, George A. Sergeant Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Died. Peoria, Ill., Oct 2, 1862
HART, Samuel M. Private Woodford Co. Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
HERON, John C. Corporal Metamora Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Jan 16, 1864; disabil.
HIGGINS, William Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
HILSAPECK, David W. Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Mar 20, 1863; disabil.
HILTON, James H. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
HORNBAKER, John S. Sergeant Peoria Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Aug 28, 1863; wounds
HOWARD, A. Warren Private Selby Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
HUTCHINSON, Joseph A. Corporal Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 M.O. July 10, 1865, Sgt. Com. 1st Lt. but not mustered
IMHOOF, Christian Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
IRELAND, Frank N. Private Richland Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Jan 20, 1863; disabil.
JENKINS, Philip 1st Lt. Cazenovia Mar 17, 1863 Resigned Feb 12, 1864
JENKINS, Philip 2nd Lt. Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Promoted [Mar 17, 1863]
JOHN, Cephas H. Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Trans. V.R.C. Apr 28, 1864
KELLY, Timothy Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
KENNEDY, John Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- Sep 2, 1862 M.O. June 17, 1865; pris. war
KERRICK, William M. Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Killed. Vicksburg, May 22, 1863
KIRBY, Henry R. Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Disch. July 12, 1863
LACEY, Joseph V. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Sgt. Re-tr. 130 Ill., revived
LAY, George M. Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Died. Arkansas Post. Jan 10, 1863
LESSLY, SamuelA. Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Oct 20, 1863; disabil.
LEWIS, Thomas B. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
LINDSAY, James A. Private Peoria Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
LINNVILLE, Dudley Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Versailles, Ky. Nov 18, 1862 Tr. to 130th Ill., as revived
MANN, Edwin R. Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
McCARTNEY, Philip H. Private Logan Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Feb. 20, 1863; disabil.
McCORMICK, John M. Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
McCOY, Joshua W. Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
McCOY, William D. Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Trans. to 130th Ill. Inf.
McCRACKEN, James R. Private Logan Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
McCULLOCH, Charles F. Captain Cazenovia Jan 4, 1865 Mustered out June 17, 1865
McCULLOCH, Charles F. 2nd Lt. Cazenovia Mar 17, 1863 Promoted Captain [Apr 8, 1864]
McCULLOCH, Charles F. 1st Serg. Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Promoted 2nd Lt. [Mar 17, 1863]
McCULLOCH, Joseph M. Captain Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Prom. Major Jan 3, 1865
McCULLOCH, Samuel G. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Washburn Apr 8, 1864 Tr. to 130th Ill., as revived
McCULLOCH, Thos. H. Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
McCULLOUGH, Michael Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
McLAMAR, John Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
MOORE, william R. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Woodford Co Sep 18, 1862 Disch. Jan 20, 1865
MULCONERY, William Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
NOBLES, Elijah Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
NORRIS, Daniel H. Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
PALMER, Bonaparte Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
PARNHAM, Reuben Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Died. Memphis, Apr 21, 1863
PATTON, Thomas S. Corporal Logan Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
PEASE, James Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
PHILLIPS, John G. Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Mar 25, 1863; disabil.
PINKERTON, John A. Private Logan Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
PINKERTON, Wm. M. Private Logan Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
PITCHER, Benjamin Private -- Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Apr 4, 1863; disabil.
PREISKER, William H. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
PRICKET, Joseph Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
RICHARDS, William Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Died. St. Louis, Apr 9, 1863
ROBBINS, Martin V. Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
ROGERS, Alma Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Oct 30, 1863; disabil.
ROMINE, Alfred Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Kingston Apr 28, 1864 Disch. Dec 17, 1864; disabil.
RUFFIN, Andrew Private Metamora Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
SAFFORD, David B. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Metamora Apr 8, 1864 Disch. to date, Dec 5, 1864
SCHER, Anton Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 M.O. June 20, 1865
SCHRENCE, Andrew J. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- M.O. June 6, 1865
SCROGGIN, Alfred B. Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Nov 17, 1863; disabil.
SEWELL, John Corporal Peoria Sep 2, 1862 M.O. July 10, 1865; Com. 2d Lt., but not mustered
SHEPHERD, Albert Corporal Logan Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
SHIPLEY, Robert A. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
SIMS, Joseph R. Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
SIMS, Joseph T. Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 M.O. Jun 17, 1865
SIMS, William Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
SMITH, Anderson Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Sgt. Re-tr. 130 Ill., revived
SMITH, John W. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
STEPHENSON, John E. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Washburn Apr 8, 1864 Tr. to 130th Ill., as revived
STEPHENSON, William Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
STEPHENSON, William Private Linn Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
THOMPSON, Silas P. Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Mar 9, 1863; disabil.
THORN, Alfred g. Corporal Linn Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out June 17, 1865
TIBBS,Washington Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Died. N.Orleans, Jan 21, 1865
TOM, Isaac M. Private Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Feb 17, 1863; disabil.
TOY, James M. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Washburn Apr 8, 1864 Tr. to 130th Ill., as revived
TRACEY, John T. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
VANARSDALL, James W. Private Linn Sep 2, 1862 Died. Memphis, Feb. 23, 1863
WALD, Merrick J. Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
WAKEFIELD, Nathan'l R. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Peoria Sep 2, 1862 Reduced from Com. Serg't, Dec 21, 1862. Des'd Jun 6, 1863
WALLACE, Edward Private Logan Sep 2, 1862 Died Jan 26, 1863
WALTON, Edward Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
WEDLEY, James H. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Woodford Co Sep 27, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
WHITE, William W. Private Woodford Co Sep 2, 1862 Died at Jefferson Barracks, Jun 22, 1864
WHITESIDE, H.H. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Disch. Mar 12, 1865; disabil.
WILEY, John P. Private Limestone Sep 2, 1862 M.O. July 10, 1865, as 1st Sgt. Com. Capt.; not mustered
WILEY, William Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Peoria Sep 13, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
WILKINSON, William Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
WOODBURN, George M. Private Logan Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
WOODRUFF, William A. 1st Lt. Peoria Sep 2, 1862 Resigned Mar 17, 1863
WOOTERS, John W. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. to 130 Ill., revived
WRIGHT, Anderson 1st Lt. Cazenovia May 24, 1864 Mustered out at consolidation, Jan 25, 1865
WRIGHT, Anderson Sergeant Cazenovia Sep 2, 1862 Prom. 1st Sgt, then 1st Lt. [Apr 8, 1864]
WRIGHT, William M. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Peoria Sep 13, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
YELDON, James Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. --- Sep 13, 1862 Died. Memphis, Feb 26, 1863

Transcribed by Kathy Baker

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