Company "I" 77th Illinois Infantry
Name Rank Residence Date of
ANDERSON, Lewis D. Private Salem Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
ARNOLD, Jacob Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
ATEN, Austin C. Private Millbrook Sep 2, 1862 M.O. July 10, 1865, as Corp'l. Com. 2nd Lt.; not mustered
ATHERTON, Rufus Corporal Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 17, 1865
BABCOCK, George Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Sgt. Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
BAKER, Jasper S. Musician Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Jan 11, 1863; disabil.
BARTHOLOMEW, Edw. F. Corporal Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Feb 1, 1863; disabil.
BASS, Henry B. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
BEECH, Job A. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
BEENY, Frederick Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. May 15, 1863; disabil.
BELLES, Philip Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
BENTLEY, William H. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Corp'l. Commissioned in U.S.C.T. Mar 14, 1864
BENTON, Robert Private Salem Sep 2, 1862 Deserted Nov 20, 1862
BEVANS, Lewis J. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
BIGELOW, Edward E. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Elmwood Jan 31, 1864 Tr. 130th Ill.Inf., as revived
BIGGS, John T. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 6, 1865
BISHOP, Benjamin F. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
BONNER, Joseph M. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
BOWMAN, Henry Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Mustered out May 15, 1865
BRIGGS, Robert J. Sergeant Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 M.O. July 10, 1865. Com. Captain; not mustered
BROWN, Isaac Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 17, 1865
CALDWELL, James D. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 M.O. July 10, 1865, as Corp'l.
CLARK, John H. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Mar 27, 1863; disabil.
CONE, George W. 1st Lt. Elmwood July 28, 1863 Disch. Nov 20, 1863
CONE, George W. 2nd Lt. Elmwood --- Promoted [Jun 22, 1863]
CONE, George W. Sergeant Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Prom. Q.M. Sgt.
CONE, William D. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Elmwood Jan 31, 1864 Tr. 130th Ill.Inf., as revived
COOK, Asa A. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 17, 1865
COWLEY, Richard Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 17, 1865
COX, William M. Private Salem Sep 2, 1862 Died at Benton Barracks, Mo., Feb 2, 1862
CRAVENS, Riley Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
CRAWFORD, John B. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Sgt. Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
DARNELL, George Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Died. Peoria, Ill., Sep 28, 1862
DeFREITAS, Justin Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
DeSANTOS, Antonia Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
DICKERSON, John Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
DICKERSON, William H. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
DIXON, George M. Private Salem Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 17, 1865
DIXON, John W. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Yates City Jan 31, 1864 Disch. May 11, 1864; disabil.
DONALD, Wayne O. Captain Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 M.O. at consolidation
ECKLER, Robert Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
ECKLER, William Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
EDWARDS, John L. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Cpl. Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
ELLSWORTH, Alonzo G. Wagoner Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Feb 21, 1865; disabil.
ENO, Imle L. 1st Serg. Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Mar 12, 1863; disabil.
ENO, John H. 1st Lt. Elmwood May 17, 1863 Resigned Jun 22, 1863
ENO, John H. 2nd Lt. Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Promoted [Mar 19, 1863]
FARLEY, James Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
FERGUSON, William H. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Absent, sick, at M.O. of Reg.
FERRIA, Augustus Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
FINCH, George T. Private Salem Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
FISHER, Jacob Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Died. Memphis, Dec 20, 1863
FOX, Hiram V. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Jan 1, 1864; disabil.
FOX, Joel J. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Feb 4, 1863; disabil.
FRANCIS, Vincent Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
FRANK, Emanuel Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Disch. Apr 8, 1865; disabil.
FRISBIE, Enos Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Died at Milliken's Bend, May 2, 1863
GIBBS, Ichabod O. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Oct 29, 1862; disabil.
GODEY, Joseph Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
GRIMES, Thomas Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
HAND, Burner Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Died. Jun 18, 1863, Jefferson Barracks, Mo.
HAND, Lemuel Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
HAULER, Anthony Private Salem Sep 2, 1862 Died. Louisville, Jan 3, 1863
HENRY, Edward J. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
HERRON, Alexander Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
HIGBEE, Homer H. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
HILDEBRANDT, Ples A. Private Elba Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Aug 19, 1863; disabil.
HILL, John C. Private Salem Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
HINES, Samuel B. 2nd Lt. -- Not must'r'd Commis. in Colored Reg't.
HORNER, Benedict M.S. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
HOWEY, Robert Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Mustered out May 18, 1865
HUFFMAN, Joseph Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. July 25, 1863; disabil.
HULL, Abraham Private Salem Sep 2, 1862 M.O. July 10, 1865, as Sgt.; Com. 1st Lt.; not mustered
HUMPHREY, Eli Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Died at Milliken's Bend, Apr 27, 1863
HYNE, John Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Killed. Vicksburg, May 22, 1863
JACOBS, Thomas F. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Dropped. Deserter, Sep 3, 1864
JACOBS, William W. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Elmwood Sep 30, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
JARMAN, Theodore P. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Jan 18, 1863; disabil.
JONES, Butler K. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Died. Memphis, Mar 4, 1863
JORDAN, John M. Private Salem Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
JUDY, John F. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
KELLER, Henry Private Salem Sep 2, 1862 Died at Covington, Ky., Nov 15, 1862
LEE, Joseph M. Corporal Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 M.O. July 10, 1865, as private
LINDSAY, William Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
LUCAS, George L. Sergeant Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Died, C. Girardeau, Jun 25, 1865
MACEY, Micajah C. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Jan 7, 1863; disabil.
MARTIN, James M. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
MARTIN, John P. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
MARTIN, Jonathan Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
MATHEWS, Thomas C. 1st Lt. Salem, Knox Co. Jan 22, 1864 Tr. 130th Ill.Inf., July 7, 1865
MATHEWS, Thomas C. 2nd Lt. Salem, Knox Co. --- Promoted [Nov 29, 1863]
MATHEWS, Thomas C. Sergeant Salem Sep 2, 1862 Promoted 2nd Lieutenant [Jun 22, 1863]
MATTHEWS, John H. Private Salem Sep 2, 1862 Tr. to V.R.C., Apr 28, 1864
McCANN, George W. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
McKAY, Donald Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
McMULLEN, John Corporal Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
McRILL, Samuel Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Eugene Jan 31, 1864 Tr. 130th Ill.Inf., as revived
MOORE, Daniel D. Private Salem Sep 2, 1862 Died at Young's Point, La., Feb 1, 1863
MOORE, James C. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Died at Young's Point, La., Feb 15, 1863
MURPHY, Daniel L. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Elmwood Jan 31, 1864 Tr. 130th Ill.Inf., as revived
MURPHY, Richard Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Deserted Sep 14, 1862
MUSGROVE, James P. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
NULL, Samuel C. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Salem Feb 3, 1865 Tr. 130th Ill.Inf., as revived
NUNN, Milton Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Mar 1, 1863; disabil.
PENSE, Garrett D. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
PIPER, James A. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
PLOWMAN, Eli H. Corporal Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 17, 1865
POE, John W. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Jan 20, 1863; disabil.
PRATZ, William W. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Elmwood Apr 28, 1864 Tr. 130th Ill.Inf., as revived
RAMSEY, Aaron Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
RAMSEY, George W. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Cpl. Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
RANDALL, John A. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Died at Milliken's Bend, La., May 28, 1863
REDFIELD, Frank A. Private Brimfield Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
REED, Alfred B. Corporal Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
REFIENED, Antonio D. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
RICHARDSON, Wm.H. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
ROCKINGFIELD, Cleves S. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
ROCKINGFIELD, Scout H. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
ROGERS, Jesse Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
ROGERS, John C. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
ROSE, John J. Corporal Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Dec 24, 1862; disabil.
ROSS, Isaac J. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
SCANLAN, Robert Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Feb 6, 1863; disabil.
SHAW, W.H.H. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
SIMS, Thomas A. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
SKAGGS, John Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
SKAGGS, Thomas Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Disch. Jun 5, 1865; disabil
SMITH, George S. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Feb 21, 1863; disabil.
SMITH, Lyman H. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
SMITH, Myron C. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
SNYDER, Jacob H. Musician Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
STIVERS, Moses Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
SUMNER, Schuyler Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Cpl. Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
TATURN, Gustavus Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
THURMAN, Alexander Private Salem Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 17, 1865
TOLEN, William B. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Died. Memphis. Jan 15, 1863
TURNER, James W. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Sgt. Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
UMFLEET, Jarvis J. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
UMFLEET, Pleasant Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Cpl. Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
VIRA, Joseph Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
WAGONER, Silas J. 1st Lt. Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Resigned Mar 17, 1863
WARNE, William H. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Disch. Oct 30, 1863; wounds
WASSON, Jacob D. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
WATTS, Henry M. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
WATTS, John W. Captain -- --- Trans. to Co. I, 130th Inf.
WHARTON, Joseph H. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
WHITEHEAD, Wesley J. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Elmwood Apr 8, 1864 Tr. 130th Ill.Inf., as revived
WIDNER, John C. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Deserted Oct 29, 1862
WILEY, Leman H. Private Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Pro. Prin. Mustered in Jun 21, 1864
WILKINSON, J.F. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., revived
WILLIS, John Corporal Elmwood Sep 2, 1862 Absent, sick, at M.O. of Reg.
YORBY, Thomas Private Salem Sep 2, 1862 Deserted Dec 20, 1862

Transcribed by Kathy Baker

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