Company "G" 94th Illinois Infantry
Name Rank Residence Date of
ALSUP, William Corporal LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Discharged May 26, 1865
ASHBY, Charles Sergeant LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
AULT, Isaac W. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Died at Springfield, Mo., Oct 17, 1862
BARNES, John F. Recruit LeRoy Jan 5, 1864 Transferred to 37th Ill. Inf.
BARTHOLOW, Emery C. Recruit LeRoy Feb 13, 1864 Transferred to 37th Ill. Inf.
BARTHOLOW, James M. Recruit LeRoy Feb 15, 1864 Transferred to 37th Ill. Inf.
BEARD, George B. Corporal LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Disch. Mar 25, 1863, as priv.
BEARD, John T. P. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Discharged Mar 21, 1863
BEARD, William C. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Tr. to V.R.C. Mar 15, 1864
BRAMER, Frederick G. Recruit Heyworth Mar 7, 1864 Discharged May 30, 1865
BRINEY, John M. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
BRITTIN, Morris E. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
BROCK, Maseby Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
BUCKLES, Aaron Captain LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Resigned Jan 28, 1863
BUCKLES, R. F. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
BUCKLES, Rolly Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Discharged May 10, 1865
BUCKLES, Silas Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Discharged Feb 5, 1863
BURRIS, Martin M. Recruit LeRoy ---- M.O. July 17, 1865, as Corp値
CARR, Thomas Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Died at Ft. Gaines, Ala., Dec 31, 1864
CAYTON, George Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Deserted Jun 12, 1863
CLOUD, Solomon Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
CONNOWAY, William P. Corporal LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 M.O. July 17, 1865, as priv.
CONOWAY, Amos Sergeant LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 M.O. July 17, 1865, as priv.
CRARY, John A. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
CRAVENS, Joseph R. 2nd Lt. LeRoy May 29, 1863 Resigned Mar 2, 1865
CRAVENS, Joseph R. 1st Sgt. LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Promoted 2d Lieutenant [Jan 5, 1863]
DEAN, George W. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 1st Serg稚. Tr. to V.R.C. May 31, 1864
DICKISON, Merritt M. Recruit Empire Feb 5, 1864 Transferred to 37th Ill. Inf.
EDWARDS, William F. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Discharged May 26, 1864
EMMET, John Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Died at home, Feb 18, 1865
EMMONS, Samuel Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
EWING, Joseph G. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Deserted Jun 5, 1863
FARMER, Christopher Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
FERGUSON, Marcus E. 2nd Lt. LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Resigned Feb 14, 1863
FIFIELD, William H. H. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Discharged May 18, 1865
FORSYTH, Nelson Recruit Bloomington Jan 4, 1864 Transferred to 37th Ill. Inf.
FULLER, Isaac Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Died at home Jan 27, 1865
FULLER, Jacob Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
GIBBS, John Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Tr. to V.R.C., Jun 24, 1863
GILLMORE, William Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 M.O. July 17, 1865, as Corp値
GILMORE, Joseph Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 M.O. July 17, 1865, as Corp値
GUY, Christopher Recruit Heyworth Jan 25, 1864 Transferred to 37th Ill. Inf.
HALE, Charles A. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Prom. Hospital Steward [Aug 8, 1862]
HAMILTON, Joseph H. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
HAMILTON, William C. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 M.O. July 17, 1865, as Corp値
HAMOND, Thomas Recruit LeRoy ---- Mustered out July 17, 1865
HARDY, James N. Musician LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Discharged Mar 25, 1863
HAZLE, John B. Recruit Bloomington Feb 29, 1864 Transferred to 37th Ill. Inf.
HOWARD, Chancey Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Discharged Mar 28, 1863
JOHNSON, Abram Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Abs., sick, at M.O. of Reg.
JOHNSON, H. P. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Deserted Jun 4, 1863
JOHNSON, Henry Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
JOHNSON, Solomon Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 M.O. July 17, 1865, as Corp値
JONES, George W. Recruit Bloomington Jan 4, 1864 Transferred to 37th Ill. Inf.
KIMBER, Jefferson E. Sergeant LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Died at Springfield, Mo., Oct 1, 1862
KIMES, David Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Deserted Jun 12, 1863
KIMLER, Robert H. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 M.O. July 17, 1865, as Corp値
KIMLER, Thomas J. Recruit Empire Feb 6, 1865 Transferred to 37th Ill. Inf.
LANGDEN, Samuel G. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 M.O. July 17, 1865, as Serg稚
LASH, Abraham Recruit Empire Feb 11, 1864 Died at Mobile Point, Ala., Nov 6, 1864
LISLE, George Recruit Empire Feb 5, 1864 Transferred to 37th Ill. Inf.
LISLE, William Musician LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
MANSFIELD, Thomas P. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
MAREAN, John W. Corporal LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 M.O. July 17, 1865, as priv.
MARTIN, James H. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Died at Springfield, Mo., Jan 1, 1863
McCANN, Hugh B. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Deserted Jun 12, 1863
McCANN, James R. Corporal LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 M.O. July 17, 1865, as priv.
McCLURG, Lemuel Corporal LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Died at Springfield, Mo., Dec 26, 1862
McFARLAND, Jesse B. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
McFARLAND, Wm. A. Wagoner LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
McFARLAND, Wm. M. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
McLAIN, Charles Recruit LeRoy Jan 23, 1865 Transferred to 37th Ill. Inf.
MEINFIELD, Benjamin Corporal LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 M.O. July 17, 1865, as priv.
MELEKY, John P. Sergeant LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out May 30, 1865
MERRIFIELD, John Recruit Bloomington ---- Transferred to 37th Ill. Inf.
MILLER, Isaac Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Discharged Feb 12, 1863
MILLER, Nelson Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
MOORE, Abraham L. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 M.O. July 17, 1865, as Serg.
MORSE, John M. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
OGDEN, Abraham L. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
PALMER, William Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Discharged Feb 26, 1863
POHLMEYER, Chas. A. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 M.O. July 17, 1865, as 1st Sgt.
REYNOLDS, William H. Recruit LeRoy Feb 29, 1864 Transferred to 37th Ill. Inf.
RHODES, Elijah Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Tr. to V.R.C., Apr 28, 1864
RIKE, William C. Recruit LeRoy Feb 15, 1864 Transferred to 37th Ill. Inf.
RILEY, Andrew Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
ROBINSON, James V. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Died at Springfield, Mo., Dec 21, 1862
ROBINSON, William H. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
ROLAND, Daniel Corporal LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 M.O. July 17, 1865, as priv.
ROSS, William Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Died, Vicksburg, July 4, 1863
SHAW, William I. Recruit LeRoy Feb 22, 1864 Transferred to 37th Ill. Inf.
SHINKLE, William H. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Died at Springfield, Mo., Nov 16, 1862
SHIRLEY, John W. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Discharged Apr 17, 1863
SHOOK, William A. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
SILL, B. R. M. Recruit LeRoy Mar 11, 1864 Discharged Mar 22, 1865
SILVERS, James L. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
SPENCER, David Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Died at Cairo July 28, 1863
SPROUL, George Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out Jun 19, 1865
SPROUL, John Private Delta Aug 20, 1862 Died at Brownsville, Tex., July 21, 1864
SPROUL, Robert Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
TAYLOR, William A. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Died at Mobile Point, Ala., Sep 27, 1864
THOMAS, Ransom S. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
TIMMERMAN, Jesse 2nd Lt. LeRoy Not must'd M.O. July 17, 1865, as Serg't
TIMMERMAN, Jesse Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Promoted 2d Lieutenant [July 17, 1865]
TROWBRIDGE, John D. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Prom. Hospital Steward [Aug 9, 1862]
VANATTA, Peter Captain LeRoy May 29, 1866 Mustered out July 17, 1865
VANATTA, Peter 1st Lt. LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Promoted [Jan 5, 1863]
VANSCHOYCK, James Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
WAGERS, William W. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Died at Springfield, Mo., Dec 7, 1862
WALDON, Arnold Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
WALKER, William P. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
WAYBRIDGE, George W. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
WEBB, William Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Died at Springfield, Mo., May 24, 1863
WENDLESHERFER, Chas. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 3, 1865
WEST, John M. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Discharged Feb 20, 1863
WHITE, Samuel L. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 M.O. July 17, 1865, as Corp値
WILLIAMS, Wesley B. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
WINCHEL, William S. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
WOODCOCK, Lewis N. 1st Lt. LeRoy May 29, 1863 Mustered out July 17, 1865
WOODCOCK, Lewis N. 2nd Lt. LeRoy Apr 12, 1863 Promoted [Jan 5, 1863]
WOODCOCK, Lewis N. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Promoted 2d Lieutenant [Jan 5, 1863]
WOODING, George F. Private LeRoy Aug 20, 1862 Discharged Feb 8, 1863

Transcribed by Gwen Beiermeister

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