Company "F" 113th Illinois Infantry
Name Rank Residence Date of
ARNOLD, Sidney Recruit Middleport Feb 29, 1864 Trans. to Co. I, Feb 5, 1864
BAIN, William 1st Lt. Middleport Not must'r'd MO Jun 20, 1865 as 2d Lt.
BAIN, William 2nd Lt. Middleport --- Promoted [Jun 12, 1865]
BAIN, William Sergeant Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Promoted 2d Lieutenant [Feb 12, 1865]
BAKER, James Recruit Bloomington Oct 23, 1863 Tr. to 120th Ill. Inf. MO Jun 29, 1865
BARDEN, Calvin Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 MO Jun 20, 1865 as Corp'l.
BARDEN, George E Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Killed at Arkansas Post, Jan 11, 1863
BARNER, John Recruit Middleport Feb 29, 1864 Tr. to 120th Illinois Inf.
BARNER, Joseph Recruit Middleport Jun 8, 1864 Tr. to 120th Illinois Inf.
BELAIR, Frank Private Beaver Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out May 25, 1865
BELL, John Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Jan 10, 1863; disabil.
BENDER, Lyman Recruit Belmont --- Died in Andersonville prison, Oct 10, 1864
BESCHARD, Thelis Recruit Middleport Feb 29, 1864 Tr. to 120th Illinois Inf.
BEVIS, John Private Belmont Oct 1, 1862 Disch. for disabil. in 1864
BOLIN, William Corporal Middleport Oct 1, 1862 MO Jun 20, 1865 as Serg't.
BONRASSA, James Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Dec 25, 1862; disabil.
BOWMAN, Isaac M Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 MO Jun 20, 1865 as Corp'l.
BRACKEN, George R Recruit Sweetwater Nov 30, 1863 Tr. to 120th Illinois Inf.
BRELSFORD, Cassius M Recruit Onarga Oct 23, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
BRIDGES, John G Recruit Belmont --- Disch, Sep 26, 1864; disabil.
BRIDGES, William J Captain Belmont Oct 1, 1862 Resigned Feb 13, 1863
BRODRICK, Borter Recruit Middleport Dec 31, 1863 Mustered out May 27, 1865
BRUCE, William H Recruit Carbondale Oct 23, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
BURT, Benjamin A Private Milford Oct 1, 1862 Died, St Louis, Feb 8, 1863
BUSCLARK, John W Recruit Carbondale Oct 23, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
BUTLER, Samuel C Recruit Marion Oct 23, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
CANADY, Thomas A Recruit Belmont Dec 31, 1863 Tr. to 120th Ill. Inf. MO Jun 29, 1865
CARMEON, Raymond Recruit Manchester Dec 31, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
CARTWRIGHT, Joseph Recruit --- --- Transferred to Co. D
CAVITT, William Recruit --- --- Transferred to Co. D
CLEM, Peter Private State Line, Ind. Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out Jun 20, 1865
CLEMENTS, Noble Private Concord Oct 1, 1862 Disch, May 20, 1863; disabil.
COBERLEY, James Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Mar 4, 1863; disabil.
COTTREAL, John Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out Jun 20, 1865
CRABB, Jerrett Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Mar 16, 1863; disabil.
CROWDER, Wiley Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Sep 3, 1863; disabil.
DARROUGH, James W Musician --- Oct 1, 1862 Absent, sick at MO of Reg.
DARROUGH, John S Corporal Concord Oct 1, 1862 MO May 28, 1865 as Serg't.
DEMARSE, Joseph Corporal Middleport Oct 1, 1862 MO Jun 20, 1865 as Serg't.
DODD, Henry Recruit Middleport --- Transferred to Co. D
DRELLENGER, Henry Recruit Middleport --- Rejected
DRELLENGER, John E Recruit Middleport --- Tr. to 120th Illinois Inf.
EDWARDS, Samuel Private Belmont Oct 1, 1862 MO Jun 20, 1865 as Corp'l.
EGBERT, James Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Jan 12, 1863; disabil.
FAGAN, Robert D or A Recruit Franklin Jan 24, 1865 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
FAGAN, William A Recruit Apple Creek Dec 1, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
FAYER, Henry Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Disch, May 12, 1863; disabil.
FLECK, Michael Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out Jun 20, 1865
FLESHER, Alonzo Recruit Middleport --- Transferred to Co. D
FLESHER or FLETCHER, H Recruit Gilman Dec 31, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
FLESHER, Manfred Private Iroquois Oct 1, 1862 Died in Iroquois co., Ill., Oct 13, 1863
FLETCHER, Alfred 1st Lt. Iroquois Not must'r'd Disch, May 15, 1865 as 2d Lt.
FLETCHER, Alfred 2nd Lt. Iroquois Jan 11, 1864 Promoted [Feb 12, 1865]
FLETCHER, Alfred Sergeant Iroquois Oct 1, 1862 Promoted 2d Lieutenant [Jun 13, 1863]
FOY, Samuel Private Gilman Oct 1, 1862 Trans. to Co. D, Oct 1, 1862
FREEBERG, John Private Beaver Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out Jun 20, 1865
FREEBERG, Peter Private Beaver Oct 1, 1862 Died, Memphis, Feb 26, 1863
GARDNER, Earlis B Private Gilman Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Mar 4, 1863; disabil.
GEARHART, Levi Recruit Athensville Nov 28, 1863 Died in Andersonville prison, Oct 1, 1864
GERMAN, William 2nd Lt. Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Resigned Jun 13, 1863
GROVENOR, Cyrus H Corporal Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Feb 8, 1863; disabil.
HAMILTON, James Recruit Springfield --- Transferred to Co. D
HART, James H Recruit Middleport Dec 4, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
HARWOOD, Joseph S Private Gilman Oct 1, 1862 Died, Memphis, Mar 3, 1863
HAWKS, Samuel Private Concord Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Mar 16, 1863; disabil.
HAZLETT, George W Recruit Middleport Feb 29, 1864 Mustered out May 28, 1865
HENDERSON, Henry A Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Died at Young's Point, Mar 18, 1863
HENRY, Charles Recruit Middleport Feb 29, 1864 Transferred to Co. K
HIBBARD, Charles Recruit Galesburg Nov 30, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
HICKORY, Isaac Recruit Middleport Feb 29, 1864 Disch, Feb 7, 1863; disabil.
HICKORY, Michael Recruit Middleport Feb 29, 1864 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
HILON, James Recruit Chenoa Nov 30, 1863 Tr. to 120th Ill.; was pris.
HOOKER, Allen Recruit Belmont Dec 31, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
HOOKER, Tolman Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Sep 3, 1863; disabil.
HOOKER, Walter Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Died at home while parol. pris. of war, Feb 20, 1865
HOSTIN, Richard F Recruit Belmont --- Mustered out Jun 2, 1865
HURT, James M Recruit Springfield Nov 25, 1864 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
ISLER, George Sergeant Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Jan 12, 1863; disabil.
JACOBS, Adams Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out Jun 20, 1865
JOHNSTON, Patterson M Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Mar 16, 1863; disabil.
JONES, William R Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Trans. to Co. D, Oct 1, 1862
KAUDT, Bernard Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out Jun 2, 1865
KEADY, George B Musician Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out Jun 20, 1865
KEEN, Marsaelious Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Died on steamer Ed. Walsh, Jan 22, 1863
KING, George E Captain Middleport Mar 2, 1863 Mustered out Jun 20, 1865
KING, George E 1st Serg. Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Promoted Captain [Feb 13, 1863]
LARROW, Edward Private Beaver Oct 1, 1862 Deserted at Camp Worcester, Ill.
LATHERMAN, John E 2nd Lt. Middleport --- Prisoner war at MO of Regiment
LEATHERMAN, Abraham Private Concord Oct 1, 1862 MO Jun 20, 1865 as Corp'l.
LEATHERMAN, John Corporal Middleport Oct 1, 1862 MO Jun 20, 1865 as 1st Sgt; prisoner war
LEATHERMAN, Romonzo or Abraham Recruit --- --- Died at Camp Butler prior to muster
LEE, Henry C Recruit Bloomington Oct 23, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
LEMERY, David L Recruit Hamburg Dec 10, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
LEWIS, John C Wagoner Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out Jun 20, 1865
LISTER, John C Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Feb 18, 1864; disabil.
LIVELY, George Private Beaver Oct 1, 1862 Deserted at Camp Worcester, Ill.
LONGSHORE, Richard Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 MO Jun 20, 1865 as Corp'l.
MAHANEY, William H Recruit Niles Jan 26, 1865 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
McCLINTOCK, N B Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Died at Chicago, Nov 15, 1862
McCOLLOCH, Solomon B Private Iroquois Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Jan 12, 1863; disabil.
McMAMES, James Private Belmont Oct 1, 1862 Died in Iroquois co., Ill., Jan 15, 1865
McNALLY, William James Private --- Oct 1, 1862 Transferred to Co. D
McROBY, John Recruit Johnsonville Jan 5, 1864 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
MILLER, James Recruit Middleport Dec 31, 1863 Died in Andersonville prison, Oct 1864
MILLER, Joseph Private Belmont Oct 1, 1862 Died in Andersonville prison, Oct 18, 1864
MOORE, John Wesley Private Belmont Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out Jun 20, 1865
MOORE, William C Recruit Middleport Nov 3, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
MULLEN, David C Recruit Martinton --- Tr. to Co. A, 76th Ill. Inf., Mar 1, 1864
MURRY, Aaron Private Belmont Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Oct 27, 1864; disabil.
MURRY, Nelson Private Beaver Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out Jun 20, 1865
NICHOLES, Reuben Recruit Athens Dec 12, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
NICHOLES, William Recruit Springfield Nov 30, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
ODELL, Nathan B Private Belmont Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Feb 22, 1863; disabil.
PARKERSON, Thomas Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Disch, May 21, 1863; disabil.
PETICORD, Lewis Private Concord Oct 1, 1862 MO Jun 20, 1865 as Corp'l.
PETTIS, Martin Recruit Springfield Feb 29, 1864 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
PHELPS, Charles S Private Concord Oct 1, 1862 Disch, May 22, 1863; disabil.
PIERCE, Marion Recruit Middleport Dec 31, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
PIKE, Thomas Recruit Springfield Jan 2, 1864 Mustered out May 31, 1865
PUGH, James O Recruit Middleport Feb 29, 1864 Killed at Guntown, Miss., Jun 10, 1864
PUGH, William Private Concord Oct 1, 1862 MO Jun 20, 1865 as Corp'l.; prisoner of war
PULLEN, George W Recruit Middleport Dec 31, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
REES, Robert Sergeant Belmont Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Nov 4, 1863 as priv.
REEVES, Jacob Recruit Athens Dec 12, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
REEVES, John Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 MO Jun 20, 1865; was pris.
RICHARDSON, Franklin Recruit --- --- Transferred to Co. D
RIGGLE, William F Corporal Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Died, St Louis, Apr 1, 1863
ROGERS, Joseph 1st Lt. Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Discharged Feb 12, 1863
RUSH, John Recruit Middleport --- Died at Springfield, Ill., prior to muster
SHEPARD, Abijah Private Iroquois Oct 1, 1862 Died at Young's Point, Feb 10, 1863
SHEPHERD, Moses Recruit --- --- Transferred to Co. D
SHEPHERD, Thomas Recruit --- --- Transferred to Co. D
SHERRILL, William Recruit --- --- Transferred to Co. D
SHULTS, Henry Private Belmont Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out Jun 1, 1865
SMITH, Benjamin Recruit --- --- Transferred to Co. D
SMITH, Robert Recruit --- --- MO Jun 20, 1865 as Corp'l.
SMITH, William Recruit Greenville Nov 28, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
SMITH, William L Recruit --- --- Rejected
SPENCER, Alonzo Private Belmont Oct 1, 1862 Discharged for disability
SPINDLER, William W Recruit Elkhart Oct 23, 1863 Died, Andersonville prison, Sep 18, 1864. Gr. 9092
STEWART, James Private Iroquois Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out Jun 20, 1865
STROND, Fayette Recruit --- --- Rejected
STROND, Silas Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Disch, May 12, 1863; disabil.
STURTEVANT, William N Private Iroquois Oct 1, 1862 Died in Iowa Mar 1863
SWEENEY, Joseph Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out Jun 2, 1865
THOMPSON, Levi Corporal Gilman Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Mar 7, 1863; disabil.
THRASHER, George W Recruit Belmont Feb 29, 1864 Tr. to 120th Ill.; was pris. MO July 12, 1865
TILLIS, Jonah Private Belmont Oct 1, 1862 MO Jun 20, 1865 as Serg't.
TORBETT, Thaddeus Private Concord Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out Jun 20, 1865
TULLIS, George W Recruit Iroquois Feb 29, 1864 Disch, Apr 13, 1865; disabil.
TULLIS, Isaac D Recruit Iroquois --- Died, Camp Butler, Mar 18, 1864
TYLER, Seldon Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out Jun 20, 1865
TYLER, William Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Died at Chickasaw Bluff, Dec 31, 1862
TYRE, John Recruit Chicago Jan 23, 1864 Deserted Oct 2, 1864
VEYETT, Herbert Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out Jun 20, 1865
VEYETTE, Benjamin Recruit Belmont --- Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
WARD, William Corporal Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Sep 26, 1864; disabil.
WARREN, Henry Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Died, Camp Butler, May 21, 1863
WARREN, Joseph Recruit Belmont --- Died, Memphis, Mar 22, 1865
WARREN, Wesley Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 MO Jun 20, 1865 as Serg't.
WASHINGTON, Spotswood Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Jan 12, 1863; disabil.
WELLS, John Jr Recruit Marion Oct 23, 1863 Died, Memphis, Aug 13, 1864
WEST, William Recruit Chicago Mar 8, 1865 Deserted Apr 1, 1865
WHITEMAN, Joshua A Private Concord Oct 1, 1862 Died, St Louis, July 7, 1863
WHITLOW, Pleasant Recruit Jacksonville Dec 24, 1863 Mustered out May 28, 1865
WILLIAMS, John Recruit LaSalle Mar 15, 1865 Deserted Apr 1, 1865
WILSON, Samuel A Recruit Peoria Nov 30, 1863 Trans. to 120th Illinois Inf.
WILSON, William H Recruit Chicago Dec 12, 1863 Transferred to Co. D
WOOD, Isaac Recruit Springfield Nov 30, 1863 Died, Memphis, Jun 10, 1864
WOOKEY, William Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Mustered out Jun 20, 1865
WRIGHT, William Private Middleport Oct 1, 1862 Disch, Oct 3, 1863; disabil.

Transcribed by Jim Willison

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